The FightCamp Mobile App on your mobile device will need to connect to the FightCamp Console. You will use your mobile device to download and navigate the FightCamp App, start workouts, and watch them if you are not using a TV.
When a mobile device is connected to the console the console button in the upper right-hand corner of the app will fill in!
When your mobile device is connected you will see your FightCamp Profile Picture appear on the " Start A Workout With The App" screen.
If the FightCamp Console cannot connect to your mobile device, the console button will be grayed out in the upper right-hand corner of the home screen. Please check the following:
1. Your Console is set up:
- Make sure that your console is set up with the directions below.
2.Keep Mobile Device ( Phone/ Tablet) within range of Console:
- Keep your mobile device within range of the console when selecting a workout and navigating the FightCamp App.
3.Turn on Bluetooth and grant Bluetooth Permission on mobile device
- Turn Bluetooth on your mobile device and permit FightCamp Bluetooth permissions. You will be asked to do this during onboarding and will receive an in-app warning if your Bluetooth is turned off.
You can always check your Bluetooth Permissions in the settings of your mobile device.
-Setting>>>FightCamp>>>Toggle Bluetooth and Local Permissions on.
4.(Recommended) Turn Local Network permissions on ( IOS)
On IOS devices ,we recommend turning on your Local Network Permissions for a stronger connection between your mobile device and the FightCamp Console. You will be asked to do this after you connect the console to WIFI or Ethernet for the first time.
You can always check or change the local network permissions in the settings of your mobile app
Setting>>>FightCamp>>>Toggle On Local Network Connections
If you have granted these permissions and your mobile device will still not connect:
1. Force Quit the FightCamp App.
2. Unplug the FightCamp Console and plug it back in.
3. Wait for the console to warm up.
4. Wait for your TV to be on the "Open The App To Get Started" screen.
5. On your mobile device open your FightCamp App and accept bluetooth permissions.
6. You should see your FightCamp Profile picture appear on your TV and the console button fill in.